
This is Kyle, and welcome to my personal blog.
Most of what I write in this blog is about philosophy, psychology, but there are also other topics for whenever I feel like it.

I try to present as many different perspectives as much as possible in my writing (especially if they make us think more instead of less), as I believe thinking is one of the the most important skills we can develop (if not the most important).

The meaning behind the name

Freedom for exploration of ideas, like children playing in a sandbox, or sketchy software running loose in a virtual machine; freedom from mobs and their authorities; a place to think freely without having to pander and appeal to the masses. This is the intention behind the name, and is also why I’m managing the server myself despite never having done it anything like this before.

As a result, the site has gone down a few times so far due to rookie mistakes, but I’ll get the hang of it soon.

My opinions will change

To reflect the current state of my knowledge as I continue reading, contemplating, and learning about the world, my opinions and beliefs have no choice but to change accordingly over time. This means that I sometimes contradict my older posts, so make sure you check the date!

In addition, though I try my best to hold as little emotional attachment to ideas as possible, there are still times where I succumb to them and write in less-objective ways.

Regardless of which way these posts may be flawed, I will still try and leave them in place as much as possible. After all, how can we see progress if we can’t remember how we started?

I’ll end with a paraphrasing of one of my favourite quotes:

“The reader of this website will not have made the best use of it, unless, instead of accepting its judgements, he uses them to form his own.” — The Science of Life, 1931