Autistic Political Correctness

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  • Post category:Rants
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 11, 2023

I made a mistake today spending five minutes looking through Twitter and quickly found people arguing about whether autistic people should be referred to as people with autism or vice versa.

Do people on social media have nothing better to do with their lives? Or is it easier to argue semantics instead of actually doing something while indulging in the delusion of doing their part?

Not to mention that autistic people with autism are those I least expected to find so obsessed with political correctness and social norms. Isn’t that like… the whole point of autism?

I even saw a comment along the lines of: “if I could have autism like I could have a handbag, I would’ve left it behind on the bus”. By that same logic, I wonder what referring to “people with depression” as “depressed people” implies.

Google Trends
Depressed people vs People with depression
Autistic people vs People with autism

Should depressed people be outraged by the fact that they’re not more commonly referred to as people with depression then? Should depression be a part of their identity? That’s messed up.

I usually don’t like writing about autism because the last thing I want is to be associated with those… autism advocates (shudders)… but social media is like hitting yourself on the head with a frying pan so I’m most definitely suffering from a concussion.

In conclusion, it doesn’t bloody matter. Get on with your lives and go argue something actually worth arguing about.

I’m going to continue using both terms interchangeably however I feel like using them. Do people not get sick of being told what to think? “You should be offended by this” or “You should be offended by that”, yada yada; just because I’m on the spectrum doesn’t mean I’m so stupid I can’t decide whether I’m offended or not, thank you very much.